
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Is your Home Safe?

There's no place like home! After a long and tiring day, from school, work or wherever, or home gives us the relief from the hectic world we're living. But are we really safe? Our home can present serious dangers we may be unaware, especially if we have small children. Perhaps we should have a home inspection, here's what we should include in our checklist...

Plants. If you have small children, make sure that none of your plants are poisonous. Remember, curious toddlers will put almost anything in their mouths.

Drawers and Cupboards. Consider installing safety latches. This will keep children from touching sharp implements and dangerous cleaning products.

Cribs. Slats should be close together. The space around the mattress should not be large enough to allow the infant's head to get caught.

Bathtub. Never leave a small child in the bathtub unattended. It takes little time and little water- for a child to drown.

Broiler. Clean it frequently. A grease-filled broiler pan can cause a kitchen fire.

Microwaves. Remember that food gets hot fast in a microwave. A baby's formula, for example, can be scalding even though the bottle itself is just warm.